Codes of Conduct
1. Players will demonstrate positive sportsmanship on and off of the field. This includes exercising positive self-control, graciously accepting the outcome games and treating all players and fans with courtesy and respect.
2. Players will demonstrate respect for all players and coaches in behavior and language. Profanity will not be tolerated.
3. Players will demonstrate respect for officials, in part by accepting their decisions. Insulting comments, arguing, gestures and profanity directed at officials will not be tolerated.
4. Players will practice and work on skill development as is appropriate for the age and competitive level of play for the team.
5. Players will positively represent the Neenah Soccer Club (NSC) on and off the field at home and away on both recreational and competitive teams.
6. Players will understand the rules of the game as appropriate for age and competitive level of the team.
7. Players, in coordination with parents, are responsible for timely notification of absences from games, practices and training to the coach or manager of the team as determined by the team.
8. Violence and abuse of any nature will not be tolerated.
9. Players are prohibited from the use of alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco products while a member of NSC.
1. Encourage positive sportsmanship by example. Remind fellow parents if they get inappropriately carried away with their emotions during the game. Accept these reminders graciously when offered by other parents.
2. Be supportive--unconditionally--accept wins and losses. The last the child wants to hear from you after a disappointing performance or loss is what they did wrong.
3. Do not coach. Leave the coaching to the coaches.
4. Emphasize skill development over winning. Take time to help your kids practice their skills and drills at home.
5. Interact positively with parents of opposing team. Set a good example for players indicating you can compete assertively and still be respectful.
6. Be welcoming to all team families on and off the field. Minimize gossip and criticism of teammates, other players and coaches.
7. Support officials--do not criticize vocally during games. Leave any issues with the game officials to your coach.
8. Support the team and club. Volunteer during tournaments, participate in fundraisers, etc.
9. Please review the practice and game schedules in advance. Notify your coach of any conflicts so they are aware that your player will not be participating on a given day.
10. Encourage your child to have fun and enjoy his/her teammates and the competition.
By clicking the box, I have read and understand the above Code of Conduct and understand that the expectations apply to behavior on and off of the field at games and at practices. I agree to abide by the Code guidelines at all team and league activities. I understand that if I do not follow this Code of Conduct, I may be asked to leave the league/club activity (such as a game or practice), or may be asked to withdraw my child from the league or team.
WYSA has created the Zero Tolerance Policy in an effort to decrease the abuse of referees. The purpose of this policy is to make clear that verbal abuse or negative criticism of referees is as unacceptable as verbal abuse or negative criticism of players.
This policy adopts basic standard sanctions for improper conduct. This policy is not intended to imply that referees are always “right” and the spectator or coach is always “wrong”. Just as players make mistakes during play and coaches may err in strategy or methodology, referees will make mistakes in officiating, particularly in the younger divisions where they are learning how to referee. Due to a persistent shortage of referees, a referee may be officiating at a higher level game than they are comfortable with. They must receive positive support from coaches and spectators to continue to grow as an official.
A coach or spectator may only communicate in a positive way with a referee. The coach is responsible for ensuring all spectators associated with his/her team follow these guidelines relating to communication with a referee; especially a referee. A coach/spectator may not express any disagreement or dissatisfaction with the officiating to the youth referee. A coach/spectator may not, before, during, or after a game, discuss with a referee their critique of the referee’s performance, other than to thank and compliment the referee.
If a coach, player or fan is harassing a referee, the referee has the right to take the following measures to cease harassment:
1. Go to the offending team's coach and ask them to control themselves or their personnel.
2. If the problem persists after the above measure is taken, the referee may go back to the coach and ask the offending party to remove themselves from the game.
3. If the problem persists after the above measures are taken, the referee may stop the game and the outcome of the game will be determined by the competition authority.
Please note, coaches, players and /or parents/spectators are highly discouraged from approaching or confronting referees at halftime or after the match for any reason other than retrieving player pass cards or saying ‘thank you’ and/or shaking hands.
Any concerns or feedback regarding referees must be submitted in writing to the Administrator of that Competition. Concerns related to referee performance or behavior will only be accepted from a Club Official (i.e. board member), Director of Coaching or the team’s coach. The claim must provide details specific to the complaint and cite examples where referee performance or behavior was inadequate or improper. The Competition Administrator will engage the appropriate parties in investigating and taking disciplinary action. (In cases of egregious referee abuse (e.g., physical confrontation), information will immediately be forwarded to the WYSA Executive Director for investigation and discipline decisions.)
Neenah Soccer Club and it’s coaches will implement the 24-Hour Rule in place after each soccer match and practice. Athletics are heavily tied to emotions. Fans, players and coaches often get excited and emotional, despite our best efforts to maintain our poise. The 24-hour rule is essentially a cool off period that removes emotion from the conversation which allows both parties to collect their thoughts prior to speaking about the events. The worst thing a parent can do is storm across a field after a game or seek out the coach in the parking lot to discuss sensitive topics, typically right in front of their child.
When talking to coaches, there is an appropriate time and place to discuss and communicate concerns. As you communicate with each other, please remember to do so in a proper format. To help keep communication smooth and productive, there is a certain “chain of command” that we ask everyone to use. Parents should first consider sending an email outlining what they would like to talk about with the coach. This step enables the in-person discussion to be more productive and to take place in an appropriate setting.
Parents should first contact the Head Coach with questions about anything related to on field concerns. Only after a parent has had a discussion with the head coach (and the issue isn’t resolved) should they consider contacting the Director of Coaching.
If parents will respect the 24-Hour Rule, their concerns are more likely to be fully addressed in reasoned discussion. More importantly, the players enjoyment of a practice or game won’t be marred by an ill- timed confrontation. Thank you for your cooperation.
I/We HEREBY acknowledge and agree to allow Neenah Soccer Club (NSC) to take images and audio/video of participants, spectators and vendors at NSC events, which are for NSC's use only and which NSC may use in materials presented or given to the public such as brochures, pamphlets, presentations, web pages, flyers video productions, marketing materials, or publications.
Neenah Soccer Club believes that all children should be afforded the opportunity to play no matter the financial need. For this reason, we have a financial assistance program available for families who may have difficulties paying for their children to play soccer. Scholarships are available for Academy, Spring Rec, Fall Rec, and Classic level programs at this time. If you have any questions about the financial assistance program, please email and someone will assist you.
NSC Spring Recreational Financial Assistance Information
Scholarships Offered:
● 100% Registration - requires 4 hours of volunteer service
● 50% Registration - requires 3 hours of volunteer service
* Because of the scholarship status, you are not required to prepay the volunteer buyout, therefore you will not be refunded the $50 volunteer buyout prepayment once your volunteer hours are completed.
Uniform Cost:
The jersey fee is included in your registration. You will need to purchase (shorts, socks, shin guards & shoes)
NSC Fall Recreational Financial Assistance Information
Scholarships Offered:
● Full Registration - requires 2 hours of volunteer service
● Partial Registration - requires 1 hour of volunteer service
Uniform Cost:
The jersey fee is included in your registration. You will need to purchase (shorts, socks, shin guards & shoes)
NSC Academy Financial Assistance Information
Registration Information:
Fall and Spring (Whole Year) registration fee is
U7/8 - $335
U9/10 - $375
Fall or Spring (individual season) registration fee is
U7/8 - $200
U9/10 - $225
* Because of the scholarship status, you are not required to prepay the volunteer buyout, therefore you will not be refunded the volunteer buyout prepayment once your volunteer hours are completed.
Uniform Cost:
Uniform Kit includes 2 jerseys (red & white), a pair of shorts & a pair of socks - $75 additional fee
Practice Jersey Fee: New player or returning academy replacement practice shirt fee - $10 additional fee
· You must either sell 5 cards or do the buyout. The Fundraiser is not part of the Scholarship packet.
Scholarships Offered:
● If you need Financial Assistance for a uniform only, this will require 4 hours of volunteer services.
● Registration only for either Fall or Spring - requires 6 hours of volunteer services. If the need includes Uniform, that requires an additional 2 hours of volunteer services (8 total hours).
● Registration for Fall AND Spring - requires 10 of hours volunteer services. If the need includes Uniform, that requires an additional 2 hours of volunteer services (12 total hours).
NSC Classic Financial Assistance Information
Registration Information:
East Central both fall & spring season teams registration fee is $350
East Central either fall only or spring only season teams registration fee is $250
State League both fall & spring season teams registration fee is $450
State League either fall only or spring only season teams registration fee is $350
* Because of the scholarship status, you are not required to prepay the volunteer buyout, therefore you will not be refunded the volunteer buyout prepayment once your volunteer hours are completed.
Uniform Cost:
NSC purchases uniforms every 2 years (fall of even numbered years). The cost typically ranges between $150 - $200 for the entire kit (red short sleeve jersey, white short sleeve jersey, black long sleeve jersey, black shorts, 2 pairs of socks)
Tournament Fee:
East Central both fall & spring season teams tournament fee is $100
East Central either fall only or spring only season teams tournament fee is $50
State League both fall & spring season teams tournament fee is $150
State League either fall only or spring only season teams tournament fee is $100
· You must either sell 5 cards or do the buyout. The Fundraiser is not part of the Scholarship packet.
Scholarships Offered:
● Uniform Only ($150-$200) - requires 4 hours of volunteer service.
● Registration Only ($250-$450) - requires 8 hours of volunteer service.
● Registration ($250-$450) and Uniform ($150-$200) - requires 12 hours of volunteer service.
● Registration + Uniform + Tournament Fees - requires 14 hours of volunteer service.
Board Member Refund - up to registration amount for current soccer year being 2023-2024
● Must complete one full year on the board before getting their board member refund.
o Example: For the 2023-2024 soccer year, to get the board member money applied toward your children’s registration fees you must have been a board member for the 2022-2023 year. Any new board member elected at the AGM for the 2023-2024 soccer year will not receive their registration board member money until the next season.
● You will need to participate in the fundraiser or pay the buyout.
● Does not apply to winter training, tournament fees or adding names to jerseys.
● Must attend 50% of the board meetings and be a contributing member.
● Only applies to fall and spring classic, academy, and recreational registration.
● Volunteer Buyout Fee ($50) is waived as well
Paid Employees - up to registration amount for current soccer year being 2023-2024
● Must complete one full year of employment before getting their registration refund.
o Example: For the 2023-2024 soccer year, to get the refund money applied toward your children’s registration fees. You must have been an employee for the 2022-2023 year. Registration will be refunded the following soccer year.
● You will need to participate in the fundraiser or pay the buyout.
● Does not apply to winter training, tournament fees or adding names to jerseys.
● Only applies to fall and spring classic, academy, and recreational registration.
● Volunteer Buyout Fee ($50) is waived as well
Paid Employees / (Coaching Staff) - up to registration amount for current soccer year being 2023-2024
● Must honor your contract for the full soccer year and then will be refunded at the end of the soccer year.
○ Example: For the 2022-2023 soccer year, you must fulfill your contract for the full year and then will be reimbursed at the end of the spring season for 2024.
● You will need to participate in the fundraiser or pay the buyout.
● Does not apply to winter training, tournament fees or adding names to jerseys.
● Only applies to fall and spring classic, academy, and recreational registration.
● Volunteer Buyout Fee ($50) is waived as well
Classic Coaches Refund – Registration refund is given for the child the coach coaches.
● Must honor your coaching commitment for the full soccer year and then will be refunded at the end of the soccer year.
○ Example: For the 2023-2024 soccer year, you must fulfill your coaching commitment for the full year and then will be reimbursed at the end of the spring season for 2024.
● You will need to participate in the fundraiser or pay the buyout.
● Does not apply to winter training, tournament fees or adding names to jerseys.
● Only applies to fall and spring classic registration.
● Volunteer Buyout Fee ($50) is waived as well
● Must be appropriately licensed for the age level you are coaching: Coaching Requirements
At Neenah SC our players and fans adhere to guidelines promoting a safe and developmental soccer culture for our players, parents, referees and staff. As part of our registration process, all families have acknowledged these guidelines and will work to hold themselves accountable.
Neenah SC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) community-based organization located in Neenah, Wisconsin.
PO Box 173
Neenah, WI 54957-0173
Neenah SC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) community-based organization located in Neenah, Wisconsin.
PO Box 173
Neenah, WI 54957-0173
Copyright © Neenah Soccer Club 2023 All Rights Reserved
All files and information contained in this Website or Blog are copyright by Neenah Soccer Club, and may not be duplicated, copied, modified or adapted, in any way without our written permission.